movie #2 bakemono no ko (2015) & the wolf children (2012)

so today I watched two anime movies and no books update wahahaha maleh nak membaca. I watched the wolf children at 4 in the morning gituh then watched bakemono no ko in the evening. so--- yeeah. well- overall both movies were amazing and I love every bit of them.

let me talk about Bakemono no Ko (2015) first cause it's the most recent ive watched. a bit summary; Ren just lost his mom and his dad was nowhere to be found. he supposedly had to stay with his relatives which are all jerks so he didnt want to, so he ran away. so basically he was living around the city without any money, then one day he bumped into Kumatetsu, a beast with wolf face. so Kumatetsu was like this reckless person and is trying to be a grandmaster of beast world, with Iozan as his opponent, but Kumatetsu didnt have any successor or disciple so he took Ren in, and called him Kyuuta (in beast world Ren is Kyuuta). then after 8 years, Kyuuta became a grown up and one day he went into the real world and met Kaede. Kaede taught him reading, studying and Kyuuta was drawn to live in real world as a normal person. and at the same time, he met his real father so they trynna start afresh. but of course Kumatetsu loved Kyuuta already and didnt wanna let him go. so they kinda fought. at the same time, Iozan had a match with Kumatetsu to determine the new grandmaster and all. dont wanna spoil the result of the match so I fast forward lil bit; Iozan had two sons and turned out one of them is HUMAN! just like Ren. so the human son, Ichirohiko became evil & tried to kill Kyuuta. so they fought and all. alright that's it la for the summary. takmau spoil ending lah hehehe

so for me, Bakemono no Ko was a beautiful story. I love how Kyuuta and Kumatetsu were not in a good term at first but of course that changed. and I love how Kyuuta became stronger and stronger as he grow up. I love the little bit of plot twist towards the end. so suspenseful and I love the message of the story. very meaningful & important. the animation was mesmerizing also. overall, I love it! so 8/10. hehehe. I'm trying to be stingy a bit with the rating so 8 (even though i said i love everything wahaha)

okay let's move on to the next anime The Wolf Children (2012).
OMG this one hits different. the overall story is much more beautiful then the one above hehehe, cause this is more towards a family story gitu. bakemono tadi more of fights and rivalry of a sort.

alright before anything, a bit summary; Hana fell in love with a wolf-man and they got married and had two children. then her hubby died (SOB SOB) and she had to raise two wolf children by herself which is NOT EASY. she had to move to the country of nowhere, scaring that the identity of her children were exposed. then at the country she finally  found a bit of freedom & peacefulness with her children, Yuki & Ame. both of them can play freely than in the city they used to live. so that's quite it. the story revolved around Hana, Yuki & Ame for around 10 years after they moved.

alright, first off, at the start of the story, I am absolutely shooked cause the father died so early and they dont even know the real story behind his death which is very frustrating for meee. uhuhuhu. then, the plotline basically revolved on showing Hana's hardship & struggles to raise Ame & Yuki. and she was a great strong woman of all anime mom I ever watched. she did everything on her own. when they first move, the house they resided in was a total wreck but she repaired and renovate everything on her own. then she decided to grow some food by herself, that's when the villagers started to help. and it also showed how much Hana struggled to raise the children, of which she knew nothing about. and all by herself broooo--- like sooo sad and touching. :(
and then, the children grew up and both of them chose quite a different path-- another sad scene, cause Hana had to let one of her children (not gonna tell who) go into the wild as he/she decided it suits him/her better. hehehehe. the farewell scene was heartbreaking huhuhu. imaging just spending 10 years with your child, belum sempat lagi nikmati masa indah bersama, but then you have to let go for good. uhuks. so sad

YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE MOVIE! hehehee. 8.5/10 for me. just ada some things that was quite unsettled. moreover on the father's death and the ending towards Yuki tuh. hm. the highlight is I think how they significantly showed Hana struggles and sacrifices which is magnificent. and the background, scenery of this movie was mesmerizing. I totally fell in love for it.

alright think that's all for today's entry. goodbye and see yall very soon! <3<3<3


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