if you ever got tired of life


"Because that moon looked lonely
Because it looked like it’s crying bright in the night sky," Still With You, JK.

Assalamualaikum salam sejahtera!
My first thought when coming up with the title was-- if you ever got tired of life, remember there's 'still with you' by JK. the song will make you happy? no, it'll make you a lot sadder than you originally is but it's a great song maybe you won't be tired as much. lol.

anyway, moving on... I always had so many ideas on what to write when I'm in the shower or eating or anywhere else. bila bukak je laptop in front of the keyboard terus blank. so frustrating but please bear with me. A bit of disclaimer: I'm not good at this (this blogging thing), I'm never good at it, there's a whole bunch of other people with better writing or storytelling skills than me, I simply just like doing it. It's a hobby, so I don't have to be good at it, right? Just enjoying it because why not, yes? hehe.

Anywayssss, moving on lagi... let's talk about life nowadays. One of the reasons I came up with the tittle is because life is quite tiring these days. sometimes it felt suffocating I hate it so much. I used to enjoy this season; sukan season where we could chill, relax, without stressing too much on classes. BUT ughhh it became stressing kenapa? SEBAB everything is happening too fast and too hectic, like everything nak sumbat and settlekan by this month. this whole month we're already occupied with all kind of mssd, pastu nak jugak buat merentas desa, sukan sekolah and etc. stress guweh. dahla it's raining almost everyday now weih like, asyik tertangguh je acara. the day it was sunny pun padang lecak macam gapo macam mana budak nak lari ya Allah gerams! why can't they just wait at least until the kids habis exam ke???

Exam pulak satu lagi. nak jugak proceed bulan depan. like-- the kids been spending time on the field this whole month tiba-tiba nak suruh exam? HAHAHAHA what a joke. I'm sorry but this is the only space I can rant like this so bear with me hehe. okay sambung- cikgu-cikgu nya tak usah cakap lah. dengan sibuk train mssd haritu, pastu now sibuk sukan, then all at the same time kena siapkan exam paper AND ulangkaji with the kids? I'm not even kidding ITS TIRING woiii huhuhu.

so yeah- life exhausts me right now. can't wait for all of this to be over so I can love life again. right now, I'm just hanging by a thread. Semoga Tuhan memberi kesembuhan buat jiwa dan fisik seorang Alia, semoga Tuhan memberi kekuatan juga buat dia so dia tak asyik complain dengan kehidupannya, semoga Tuhan sentiasa mengingatkan dia that someone else out there might had it worse than her huhuhu. Insaf mode jap. 

Ugghhh when I'm in this kind of state mulalah rasa homesick =.= tak sukanya huwaaa

Okay lah that's all for today's entry. and I had the opportunity to do this on a Sunday evening sebab semalam JDT lawan bola and they won! So, of course Johor acting 'superior' than others, gave us cuti hahaha. not complaining cause I think everyone needed this break BUT of course nak menggantinya nanti satu hal.

Well- biarlah. Usah kita terlalu risau akan hal kedepan yang tidak pasti. It's always good to think ahead but don't let it control you too much, or you won't enjoy life as much as you should be enjoying it. Pinta saya di akhir kalam ini, whenever I let myself down, may life be good to me that I'll come to realize that there will always be something much more out there and in the future. Moga-moga.

Goodbye! Wir sehen uns wieder!!

p/s: let me glorify my kurus days so i'll be posting banyak gambar dulu2 okehhh HAHAHAH


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