to life without regrets


"when the snow falls, would my blue-bruised heart get covered in white?

i'm sorry i didn't treat you well. that Christmas, i was only filled with regrets" The First Snow, EXO.

Assalamualaikum salam sejahtera! I guess this entry would be made public (or not- I'm still thinking hahaha). Anyway, this is actually my second entry of the year, but I drafted the first one sebab cringey dooh pula penulisannya lol. I wrote it last April in which time, my heart was filled with loneliness yet all at the same time; hope. But now that I can think better, ughh apa benda la aku tulis time tu hahaha. Let it be history ig.

Now, moving on to today's topic! I was looking for high school pictures the whole day today sebab tiba-tiba tertengok prompt ig ramai duk post gambar sekolah menengah. Then, tengah browse all kinds of ancient embarrassing pictures, of course all the memories come along and to my surprise, I don't really like reminiscing my high-school memories. hahaha. Of course, there are lots of sweet memorable moments but the bad ones overwhelmed me.

I realized my heart was full of regrets. There are so many things I wish I had done differently. Decisions I wish I thought through before taking. And people I wish I had treated more... deservingly. Well, it's always the one lost that you realized you took them for granted most. Then the remorse of overlooking love and true friendship and suddenly, it's already too late. You've lost it.

It's always easier said than done; to let go of the past. Kita move on, tapi regret tu still ada hmmm begitulah kira-kiranya...

Itu time tengok gambar sekolah. Browse lagi tengok pulak gambar-gambar lama family and bila tertengok gambar Ahlami time baby and toddler phase, AAAGGHHH geramnya!!! Back then I wished I realized I only had so little time with toddler her, so I would hug her more, kiss her more, clap for every little things she did more. Now she's just an annoying brat HAHAHAHA. Hilang dah cheeky bambam fluffy phase tu huhuhu.

Makanya... setelah reliving all those moments, banyak rupanya remorse and regrets I have in life. How I wish I could turn back time and redo all the things that burdened me. Lalu pada saat saya merasakan semua itu, akhirnya apa yang saya boleh usahakan hanyalah berdoa agar Tuhan mengangkat segala duka dan penyesalan hari ini. Moga-moga.

Okay that's all for today! Thank you so much for reading I love youuu! Wir sehen uns wieder!!!


  1. Finally got an update from you ! Keep writing :)


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