"blue bird" ikimonogakari

 Assalamualaikum! we meet again!

Today's going to be short. just updating I'm still alive & surviving. and yeah. I've gotta say about quarantine-ing right now as im sure i would love to read this again somewhere in the future and be reminded of this dreadful moment we've been through right now.

so--- long story short, one of IPBA students got tested positive covid so we're in total lockdown. we just got off our first day intern and it (most probably?) was postponed for 2 weeks, so we'll maybe finish (grad) later than other sem 8 ipg students. and yesterday another 19 ss were moved out also, positive. takmau comment banyak pasal tu. just wishing insyaAllah, all will be well :)

anywayyyy,,, while quarantine ni. Ive made a new resolution for my future self AHAKS! funny but im absolutely resolute about this kayy hehehe. when I enter working phase soon (insyaAllah), I will buy and read at least one book per month! I wanna go back to my long-lost hobby, reading fictions, find joy in it and live in the story! most importantly, no more ILLEGAL E-BOOKS!!!

sekarang ni broke hehehe so I'm holding on e-books yg dapat kat tele. no actually, Im not sure betul ke its illegal cause sometimes some e-books ada yg memang free and legally shared by the publishers. so im not sure. anywayyyyy,,,, no more e-books please. i wanna touch the pages, feel the rough thin material of papers on my fingers, smell the uniquely nice smell of sheets and so on. gosh moga Tuhan tunaikan resolusi aku yg satu ini.

and im sooo into "booktoks" right now so here's a first, moga aku dapat habiskan before grad (?) hehehe. and sorry still in e-book cause like i say IM BROKE and english fictions are damn expensive in Malaysia ni YA ALLAH sob sob... and another reason to go for e-books is that they are just super convenient!!! like, type ja hang nak buku apa debuusshhhh it's there in your fingertips gitchewww...

anywayyy,,,, first one entitled: They Both Die At The End - Adam Silvera. Heard this one's quite sad so imma give it a try.

alright wish me luck. see yall soon! (please ignore typos and short forms apa semua aku dah malas nak edit)


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