"slow down" why don't we


Assalamualaikum again! wahahaha two entries in a day, what an achievement!

alright story time! since we are in quarantine right now, of course la tak boleh keluar kan. this one quarantine betul punya, not like acah2 yg first datang ipba haritu hahaha. well to make things clear, yg aku quarantine acah haritu kitorang still tak keluar, it's just we have to find food and everything by ourselves so tak macam quarantine sangat, since we are allowed to go buy food outside apa semua, sbb nya pihak ipba memang tak sediakan makanan utk org quarantine (acah haritu).

but--- this time since it's real, quarantine pom real, cases pom real, kitorang ada dapat makanan, of which will be put under each block every breakfast, lunch and dinner. then under my block, (block 6 i'm currently at 602B room B - gotta write this down so I remember when rereading this '.' ) ada mesin gedegang or vending machine tulaa bahasa hilirnya, in which they have some kind of drinks-- beverages, very nice, cold beverages to have in the middle of scorching days like this.

ceritanya dgn machine ni, yesterday was my turn to get the food downstairs for my other housemates, so from my room, I already planned nak beli air from the machine. uish very nice imagining the cold water gulp gulp down your throat. so i went down bawak duit kertas cause before this machine tu didnt accept coins. alright, while waiting for the food and all I dah tunggu merenung ke dalam machine tu duk tengok2 nak pilih air apa ni semua best ni.

thennnn--- try sumbat bank note, the first one; reject. second one; reject. try lagi try lagi; ALL REJECTED. i had like rm3 so i try sumbat over and over duit tu, but all rejected. I was like BROOOO do not do me dirty like this *cries river internally. pastu cuba check coins, insert 10 cents, okay ACCEPTED! then digging the purse, I got only 50 cents cemtu and the cheapest drink cost rm1! again BROOOOOOOOOO *cries river internally 2.0

okay. alright. i calmed myself. cannot do anything, today takde rezeki, let's try next time. i went up with pure sorrow!

nope. belum habis ceritanya kawan2. you think im gonna give in that fast? NEVER!

2nd try; today! we all decided to dig some coins and tukar2 la syiling apa semua, alright i went down again, this time solely to beli air tu. memang confident habis can drink today cause we already tried inserting coins yesterday and it worked.

I put my first 20 cents; rejected. try lagi 10; rejected. 50; REJECTED. try lagi over over and over again. im not even kidding we tried like 100 times. i am 100% sure today's my day since we tried yesterday but BROOOOOOOOO

okay, syida suggested we turned off the switch (classic move). then reopen few seconds later, thinking it would change a thing :') but yea.... nothing changed. evrything s rejected, bank notes, coins, nothing is useful. everything is useless, just like my drained soul T_T

istg...why, WHYYYY.... we just want to have some good cold water. is it so hard? maka pulanglah aku ke atas bersama pendustaan, penderitaan, kekecewaan, kedahagaan yg tak terhingga. ku bawa bersama langkah-langkah berat diiringi tangisan kuat yang meraung dalam jiwa. not gonna lie, I almost cried for real man. IT WAS A REAL DISAPPOINTMENT YOU WOULD NOT KNOWWW

alright. that's all. end of story. bye.

-alia the unluckiest thirsty bij-


guysss Ya Allah Ya Allah.... aku dah dapat cold and nice beverages to gulp gulp down my throat!!!! Alhamdulillah Ya Allah. sungguh aku syukur tak terkata. Allll & thousands gratitude goes to Kak Kasmini Mini Mart yg sudi hantarkan air-air kami di guard dan kami pergi fetch and bayar online. wahahahaha. on top of that, we also got our fav choc moist cake, our all-time fav cake of the mart and costs only rm3.50 weyyy ANNNDDD I got my soda and farm fresh yogurt. Ya Allah soooo heavennn.

alright say no more, look at the picture and judge by yourself. you can see the condensing water dripping tastily hahahaha. most of you would think i'm totally exaggerating but--- you dont know the situation here broooo it's scorching and we need some sugar in our body pleasee laa uhuhuhu. and ive been wanting air sejuk since yesterday BROOOOO... alright bye for now muach!


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