"could I love you anymore" renee dominique & jason mraz
Assalamualaikum! feel like writing some more so why not. alright let's talk about IPBA and covid cases right now.
05/04/2021 our first day intern. the same day (in the evening) one of our students here tested positive so we went into total lockdown. not totally jugak cause food deliveries were still allowed hehehe, but memang students cannot go out until 13th. then the whole boys from block 4 had to swab test and last 08/04 we got the results. 19 boys also positive and one of them was our farid uhuhu.
alright, after messaged Iqah, asking how she was and all, turns out her bf wasnt the first person or the carrier. actually (maybe) someone from the 19 was already positive and infected Hamdi, and as Hamdi alone went for swab by his own, he got tested positive first. if it wasnt for him, memang sampai ke sudah we didnt even know someone was carrying the virus all along. ya Allah dahla kami ni intern kot, will be going to school interacting with hundreds of kids apa semua. luckily things were controlled before getting out of hand.
so right now, dah quarantine day 6 and Alhamdulillah aku and depa2 ni fine and well. oh lupa nak cerita the day the news broke out tu we were on our way to go shopping kat Kenanga hahahaha. sampai2 sana dah tahu berita ni semua takdak mood nak membeli and 4 of us semua came back with nothing hahaha. and--- the same day jugak pagi before going to school tu aku rasa tak sedap tekak. balik sekolah memang sakit terus tekak. macam bengkak tonsil before fever gitulaa... dah dengar berita positive tu lagila runsing oii, then when we went to eat petang tu ya Allah coincidently the food court sells coconut drink yg fresh from kulit dia tu. so aku terus beli (cause ada orang cakap minum air nyior fresh can slow down fever apa semua kann) rm7.50 kot hahahaha bapak maheii but for the sake of easing hati runsing ni kan so minum laa air nyior nye.
then, arrived IPBA tu terus take shower apa semua. then tekak aku rasa makin sakit then memang rasa tak sedap badan as in nak demam. lagila cuak ya Allah. so, call Umi, told her the news and told her I dont feel well. terus dia bagitahu minum air banyak2 never mind la ke toilet every 5 mins pom, yang penting minum air MINUMMM!!! hahahaha. so I did and also took a panadol, and Alhamdulillah ya Allah esok tu felt fine. but-- in the afternoon gitu selsema pulak haiii... selsema teruk punya, bersin2, runny nose yg sampai sujud time solat pom meleleh la air hidung (gross kan HAHHAHAHA). anyway, so after that terus telan ubat selsema Hurix then took a nap, then kebah sikit bangun tu. at night shikin bagi ubat selsema yg klinik punya, and I got headache la after sneezing apa semua so I took panadol along. then slept. Alhamdulillah esok tu okay cuma hidung jadi penuh dengan mucus and my voice became nasal sound gila. hahahaha, nasal tu memang lambat nak hilang but okay la. as long as tak demam or anything. until today, I'm fine Alhamdulilah.
another story about quarantine jugak nya, betapa malangnya nasib kami ni. suppliers makanan buat hal bagi makanan tak elok so almost one IPBA food poisoning. my friend from another house memang dari pagi vomitting and shitting uhuks kesian. yang lucky nya rumah kami sehari sebelum tu lauk tak cukup so seller has to order right away from block 10 so we got different lauk time tu. maybe that time punya lauk yg problem casue our house takde sorang pom yg sakit. while orang lain memang satu bas diangkut ke klinik. hadoii macam2 dugaan.
and after that, no more business with the food supplier and we were allowed again to order from outside. tak apa lah tak makanan free pom as long as bad things dont happen twice dah. serik oii.
oh alright, continuation to the covid cases. people that are close contact with the 20 positive people have been tracked and isolated. turned out my 2 housemates; hanim and kina were one of the people and had to move out for the time being. they have been swabed this morning and maybe results in 3 days. if any of them were positive (nauzubillah hi minzalik) the whole ipba had to be swabbed lah. including me uhuks. pray for us. pray for ipba. moga-moga selamat semua ya Allah.
alright I think that's it for the update of our current situation. let's meet again soon! bye!
T^T bye je lah sate dengan mama z and the whole class.
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