times you entertain your inner child

 "tears running dry, shattered inside but I still gotta smile,
as I'm sinking. I relive the story" am I dreaming, lil nasx ft miley cyrus

Assalamualaikum salam sejahtera everyone!

I don't know what's gotten into me (maybe because I have public views now lol hihihi) but I'm really in the mood to write nowadays hahaha. Satu improvement ye buat seketul Alia to write more than 2 entries in a year >.<

Lalu pada hari ini I would like to entertain yall with a story about sekolahku hehe. Now ladies and gentlemen, before we go into this further, a bit disclaimer; I wrote this in a positive and joking mode, bukan untuk complain ya hahaha.

So.... going to school as a teacher ni of course you have your male colleagues, kalau sekolah cikgu laki la kan. One thing about cikgu laki sekolahku, they joke around a lot around us cikgu perempuan and mostly sebab itu modal depa nak bertegur. Sebab jarang berkomunikasi kecuali untuk hal kerja kan so that's the way they mingle around with female teachers.

And one thing about me.... I would ALWAYS reply a joke with another joke. I don't know how to be bashful after receiving compliments even as a joke. Keeping those facts in mind, terjadilah satu kejadian hari ini;

Ceritanya Cikgu M (SU Sukan) ni, semalam dia minta tolong aku jadi MC untuk sukan so task tu quite last minute sebab cikgu yg asalnya kena jadi MC menolak kerja itu. Dia dah bengang dengan cikgu tu lalu meminta tolongku hahaha. I said okay aje cause text apa semua dah ada, kita tinggal baca je so proceed lah. Time MC tu aku quite proud with myself ya sbb MC waktu sukan ni banyak impromptu banding ikut text so memang kena bantai sendiri. Luckily I did fine, ig, hahaha I mean, as a first timer okay lah not bad.

Then, harini masa aku gi 'bilik guru cikgu laki' hantar tukul, Cikgu M ni dengan penuh grateful said "Alia, terima kasih banyak tolong saya semalam ya. Sedap suara awak," I know this was him joking around and nak ambil hati lah sbb dah tolong dia, and like I said, I don't know how other cikgu pompuan would take this kind of joke. But me being me, dengan suara kepochinya, I replied with "Haah sedap kan suara saya cikgu HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I laughed.

Then, I realized aku sorang ja gelak weiii. Cikgu-cikgu laki yg duk situ cuma mampu tersenyum melihat perempuan gila ini memuji dirinya sendiri. Hm... I DON'T KNOW IS THIS SOME SORT OF GENERATIONAL GAP yg they didn't get I WAS JOKING TOO HSHSHSHSHSHS.

Eh kamonnn lah, dah bagi joke, be prepared to receive one back! Hahahshshshshs ntoh la nak. Sebenarnya dah banyak kali incident sebegini berlaku padaku kalau dengan cikgu laki ni. Like, they joked, then maybe they fully expect us (cikgu perempuan) yg ayu ini untuk menerima joke itu sambil tersipu-sipu malu HAHAHAHA. Kadang-kadang kalau kita tak reply joke tu awkward namampos tau dak so baiklah aku throw around banters balik takde lah janggal sangat huhuhu.

And betul lah jugak I think it's because of generational gap that most of my jokes jadi tak lucu dengan depa nih hshshshs. Sorry lah saya budak tiktok HAHAHAHA. Aku ini seorang yg lucu tau actually! Pffftttt

Oklah das it alles for today. Moga ketemu lagi di episod lain tentang Alia dan kisah dia memalukan dirinya sendiri. Adiosss!


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