"still with you" bts jk
Hari yang indah untuk bercerita hahahaha. It's currently 0257 in the morning and I'm full of ideas on what to write so by Allah's will, ayuh kita curahkan idea-idea tersebut di sekeping canvas putih di alam maya ini.
Don't mind the title which has nothing to do with what I am going to write now. It's a song I'm listening to while writing this piece so, I figured it's not a bad idea; the title would represent the current song I'm listening to while writing. One fine day, I'll come back here and read everything and be remembered of the song and the sentimental feelings that come with it.
Alright, back to the topic. Hari ini aku nak bercerita mengenai MAGIC. as childish as it may sound, I hope the writing would magically sampai deep to the bottom of your heart hehehe.
To start off, I am a hopelessly flawed person. I'm a sinner. I'm far from perfect. and I'm everything bad. yet, as what others might have wished for every day, we hoped to be a better person every morning upon waking up. to be granted another chance, another day of waking up is something we shouldn't take for granted. so... as we are all human-being, Muslims, iman yang kadangnya turun, kadangnya naik, happened to everyone and anyone, even the most religious person, it happened. hence, it has always amazed me how magical some 'teguran-teguran' or hidayah itu sampai right and perfect at the moment. the closest instance I went through was a few days ago, where time tu I felt sangat burdened and berat and males teramat to pray. kalau boleh nak lewat-lewatkan jaa selagi boleh uhuhu. but then I opened Twitter, the right tweets came up wooo, like, no kidding. everyone (at least the ones I followed) was posting or retweeting about solat or something related to solat. Ya Allah, tersentap sebentar di situ, then I was thinking, and suddenly I felt amazed of how magical that was. whenever we felt lost, terus datang teguran-teguran, maybe indirectly, yang kita tak sangka-sangka. and of course, at that time, I was tremendously grateful for my circle of mutuals kat twitter. so amazing! hehehe
anyway, my naqibah teacher dulu pernah mentioned to always "seek and pray for Hidayah in our prayers" from which I applied, whenever I pray or make du'a. maybeee teguran sebegitu merupakan bentuk hidayah yang Tuhan hadiahkan for me. yang penting kita doa dan usaha untuknya. kerna peraturan Tuhan itu sangat magis, malah mysterious, justeru tidak aneh seseorang itu mendapat hidayah di tempat dan masa yang tidak tersangka-sangka. mungkin kan?
therefore, suka juga aku kongsikan, some stories (novels) from my favourite author Hlovate which I looove to read once ago. banyak cerita-cerita Hlovate yang aku baca of which I interestingly found the concept is quite the same; about people getting hidayah or searching for it. (!!spoiler ahead!!) misalnya, novel aA+bB (MY FAV OF ALL TIME), at some part of the story, Addin miscarriage and she didnt accept that very well, but Benz time tu try hard to bring back his Addin, so from there diorang sama-sama mendekatkan diri dengan agama, in which the same novel Hlovate explained how hidayah Tuhan itu boleh datang dalam pelbagai cara / situasi. For Addin and Benz, Tuhan hadiahkan hidayah di sebalik suatu kehilangan. while kalau kita tengok cerita Contengan Jalanan, both Fend and K2 received hidayah di sebalik pengembaraan / perjalanan travel diorang, then they see the world in different views, which changed their whole life's perspectives, which I felt is amazingly beautiful. yall *must* read Hlovate's novel uhuks.
jadiiii, as the conclusion, hahahaha aku tak tahu sampai mana dah melalut ni. alright, please bear in mind that this is just me throwing up words as a sharing, of what I felt and what I am still trying to achieve. as I said, I am no perfect, jauh lagi perjalanan aku untuk jadi seorang Muslim yang benar-benar 'Muslim', but we are trying, right. I believe all of us, tak kira sejahat mana pom you think you are, we always try to be better, we try to make progress every day. even without us realizing it.
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