may this happiness stay forever


Life has been too good now that I'm scared it's not real :') anyways- currently listening to Nostalgia, a piano instrumental by Smyang Piano.

Assalamualaikum and hello!

it's the second day of July and since we began school after Raya that day, I felt life has been sooo incredibly amazing. We've been so busy with sukan right now and maybe that's why I felt happier, skipping classes and teachings HAHAHAHA. That day right after naik lepas cuti raya terus latihan rumah sukan for about two weeks and minggu ketiga terus sukan sekolah. Then, habis aje sukan terus sambung MSSD for every sports;, starting with volleyball, then handball, netball, chess, olahraga, serta more to come. Semua lepas gian sebab 2 tahun tak ada sukan asbab PKP kan.

And one more thing after sukan ni I've grown much much closer with the Year 6 kids, for which my days in school had been more entertaining than ever XD. they're so much fun to hang around and adaaa aje helah diorang that made my day uhuhuu. Yang paling penting I've got a hype-man (or more exactly; hype-boy) myself, Shah (bukan nama sebenar)- now you got to remember this Shah boy cause he'll appear a lot from now on (maybe la) hahahaha. Shah ni kalau aku bertembung aje dengan dia he'll say bunch of stupid jokes but instead of being annoyed, I found him truly funny lol hahaha. Aku ni dahla mudah terhibur.

Well- first he'll compliment you. "Teacher cantik arr harini," in which I replied with "Iyaa tahuu," every time. And then, kalau kita sembang2 dengan dia adalah modalnya. That day aku hantar diorang friendly match olahraga, sukaa lah diorang teacher tolol ni join hantar hahaha. Then habis tu I chatted with si Shah ni.

Me: awak petang-petang sekolah agama kan?
S: Eh mestilah teacher saya kan Islam (LMAO bengong jawapan budak ni)
Me: Iya laa adoiii. Tapi Johor ni bukan semua wajib sekolah agama petang tu ke? Haritu teacher tanya Ari (kawan dia, bukan nama sebenar) dia kata tak gi sekolah agama?
S: Haah sbb dia bukan Is-- (he was about to say that but stopped himself even before I smacked him lol) eh tak, tak teacher hehe. Tak adalah, itu bukan wajib teacher, cuma harus dan digalakkan lah, kita kan kena belajar macam-macam bab agama ni, bab perkahwinan contohnya kena ada rukun kena ada wali bla bla...
M: (I was holding my laughter) Eh ngko niii punyalaa banyak benda belajar yg perkahwinan itu jugak paling ingat ehh gatal bebenor.
S: (he laughed) takde lah teacher, saya ingat aje yg lain macam... (and then he goes on about solat la puasa la, pastu sambung) haa kita kan kena tahu semua tu...

he was trying to sound mature and istg you guys this kid will make even your worst day better HAHAHA. but truthfully, he is a good boy, even cikgu2 lain selalu puji dia. he was in the second class, so nak cakap pandai sangat tak jugak, but very athletic, and more importantly, sangat laa sopan dan cakap lemah lembut aje dengan cikgu2 (compared to most other kids). dengan aku aje dia cakap lepas ikut sedap mulut sbb aku dah layan dia mcm member hahahaha, but still he knows how to be respectful, kalau nak minta tolong buat apa-apa laju aje tolong, very nice uhuks :))

the brat XD

anyway, that's one of the many things that are making my days felt more bearable right now. and one other significant things that had improved in life is how things going with cikgu2 sekolah. we have grown closer than before jugak, I pun tak shy shy or awkward macam duluu dah hehe. I can say right now, things are going well Alhamdulillah sangat-sangat.

Harapan saya, moga kamu di sana juga sedang menjalani kehidupan yg bahagia, mungkin bukan seperti yg kamu harapkan, tetapi hatimu tetap tenang di dalamnya. Saya doakan moga secebis kebahagiaan yg saya alami sekarang tersinggah di jiwa kamu, no matter where you are, no matter what you're doing, and may it be ease for you, everything. <3

well- I really hope this happiness stay a bit longer, or better yet, forever <3 doa-doakan saya juga :)


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