those little things in life


Assalamualaikum and hello from the other side XD

while writing this piece I'm currently listening to this song; Don't Text Me Youre Drunk. preserving this moment as always and this song deserves to be put here, it's definitely my jam hahaha.

Now, here we are, after quite some time. it's April 16 and I'm entering my third month being a teacher here in Johor. and the rumors are all true after all, Johor really is a busy one. I felt we did more 'clerky' work more than we teach lmao. what a system. so annoying, but Alhamdulillah, right now it's not yet unbearable for me. I still can handle everything well so far and not that stressed or depressed yet. haha. hoping it'll last, InsyaAllah, moga-moga.

Now I actually got a story to tell, we're in Ramadhan now, and it's been a blessing, having to fast for the first time in a new place, after so long. and I'm grateful for eveything, the food, the mosque, oh the beautiful mosque. and comfortable, and fast Imam on top of that lol hahaha.

alright, back to the story, it was last Tuesday and I went to the bazaar after school. it was like 345, almost 4 but there were only 2 3 stalls that's already opened. it's fine tho. so I walked around and stopped at the first stall, the boy right away went "ya Cikgu, kuih Cikgu,"

I was like- weird at first, cause how in the heck he knew I was a cikgu lol hahaha, but then my mind said, oh betulla, must be my KRMJ baju that gave it away. then I took a few kuihs and paid and the boy didnt stop addressing me as Cikgu, which is fine. I'm not really bothered by it but it actually put a smile on my face for an instance.

Next stall; the drink stall. same thing occured, "ya Cikgu, nak air apa?" the seller straight away asked. and like deja vu, he also kept calling me Cikgu all the way we had interaction. and it was like he was emphasizing the Cikgu just to convince me that he knew I am a Cikgu hahahahaha. so funny, like every statement or question he would go; "Air ni ya Cikgu?" "Berapa nak Cikgu?" "Satu je Cikgu?" "RM3 semua Cikgu" HAHAHAHAHA istg that's exactly what he said. so I macam-- okay chill bro, I know you know lol hahahahaha.

Then habis beli I went into the car and ready to go. PASTU barulah perasan I forgot to take off my nametag !! lmaoooooooo, patutla diorang confident panggil aku Cikgu, cause the baju maybe didnt give it away too much, cause it could be some similar tshirt. rupanya-- ugh I'm a fool. the nametag guys, the nametag. now the two stalls know there's a cikgu named Nurul Alia around the corner coming to buy food kat bazaar on 3 p.m. duhhh

well-- similar thing once happened to my housemate and it kinda annoyed them too much they hated it hahaha. but different case for me, it's not that I like it, but rather I'm hardly bothered by it. (but it's better if the seller didnt put Cikgu at every end of the sentence lol). sometimes I felt quite proud that people know me as a Cikgu, idk, maybe some kind of weird self-satisfaction, that people acknowledge me, no? ahahahaha maybe just me XD

so thats all for the story I'm keeping here. may one day I'' come back and read this and laugh at this bitter sweet memories. may we all.

until then goodbye and Selamat Berpuasa <3


  1. keep posting :)

    1. auwww glad someone’s here :) thank you thank you thank you. It means a lot to me💛


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