200119 Kuat


Hampir 4 tahun blog ini ditinggal sepi. Takkan ku ulas kenapa. Tapi cukup sekadar mengatakan semakin kita menginjak ke alam dewasa, semakin singkat masa terasa. 24 jam dalam sehari dirasakan sebentar cuma. Ditambah pulak dengan pelbagai kerja dan komitmen lain yg kian berlambak ke atas diri ni, sememangnya tak sempat la nak take care betulII blog ni. Tapi hari ini, dgn izin Allah, aku terdetik ingin berkongsi tentang sesuatu. Biasanya aku kongsi dalam FB or twitter jaa kalau terasa nak curhat tapi mungkin kisah ini agak panjang dan bermakna so inginku pahatkan kisahnya di sini, moga suatu hari apabila ku belek kembali muka surat ini, akanku kenang perasaan yg ku rasai sewaktu menitipkan tulisan ini ;)

(Note that I'm trying to use ayat BM betul as a practice XD maafkan kalau ada typo or tersilap istilah or anything - and I'll be mixing my speech with bm dan bi -- maaf in advance)

3 hari yang lepas merupakan hari lahir umiku yang ke 46. Alhamdulillah di usia 46 ini, umi masih diberikan kesihatan yg molek dan masih berseri XD. Jadi, entry hari ini adalah berkenaan umi ku.

Since little, umi was raised by an adopted family, who is also cousins with her biological parents. The family consists of her mom, which she called Mok, her dad, she called Ayoh, and an elder bro, Yie. Since Mok just had one child and no daughter she decided to raise my umi. So since little, umi lived in Tumpat, Kel, far from her biological parents at Kuantan. Tapi dia selalu jer balik Kuantan time2 cuti panjang ke apa ke.

Anyway, being raised by her adopted family since little, of course, the love she had for them is as the same as the one she stores for her real family back in Kuantan. Her childhood, her growing up memories, and basically everything she had when she was little was stored there, in a small wooden house, in a small village in Tumpat.

Mok had been long dead back when I was 6. And our Tok Ayoh passed away when I was 12. After both of her adopted parents were gone, things had changed in many ways. Rumah kayu yg we used to stay whenever balik Tumpat is no longer there. Untuk cerita kampung Tumpat ni nanti aku story lain kali XD (cause that would make another entry hahaha)

Today what I really wanna say is that, my umi is the strongest woman I've ever known. I am so proud of having her that I don't have to look far to seek for someone to look up to. That day, 7th November 2019, umi had lost another light of her life, our Tokki (her bio dad). For her to be able to go through those dreadful moments third time now was incredible for me. Losing both of my Tok Ayoh and Mok long ago was different because I was so little that I barely know what is sadness nor how does it feel to lose someone. But for our Tokki, it was quite different and hit us hard. Now I know how my umi had felt, losing love for the third time now.

Sebab itulah kagum dan tanpa ragu aku menyuarakan yg umi adalah insan yg paling hebat pernah aku kenal. Masa Tokki pergi haritu, luluhnya perasaan kami Tuhan yg tahu. Apatah lagi buat umi yg sudah melalui saat ini buat kali ke3.

Doaku buat umi, moga umi berjaya mengecap setiap impian dan harapan yang pernah singgah di hatinya. Moga umi terus berbahagia, bahagia yang tiada terbatas, sebagai balasan kepada kentalnya jiwa dan hati disebalik tubuh rapuh itu. Moga aku diberi peluang untuk berada malah menjadi salah satu saat kebahagiaannya. Moga Allah redha sentiasa. ❤


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