EverythingHasChanged.. :D

 assalamualaikum.. hehe..
hari nih dah 25/07 bersamaan 28 ramadhan 1435H.. huhu.. dh nk rayo dh weii... hehe.. anyway, ak tersgat lerr excited coz cuti nih.. tmbh2 agy, skrang nie cuti 4 HARI RAYA.. hehe.. :D tadi, ak OTP ngan bestie ak, Risya (^.^),, and chat2 tuh, punyalarr terasa RINDU kt skool lama.. huhu.. ntah apa2 larr aku nih.. hmm.. best btol tgok diorang gi s'pore baru nim,, gi tanding band plok.. sedeyh weii seroo.. haha.. miss them sooo damn much... huhu.. xpoelarr.. nati lpas spm aku oyap dh ko mek cha nk berholiday sesamo.. hehe

hmm.. anyway, aku terasa agak blur, xtahu nak share apakebenda nih.. hehe.. rasa macam xdop modal pom ada.. hehe.. emm,, takpelarr,, amik lirik nih:

"Heart Vacancy"
I hear your heart cry for love, But you won't let me make it right.
You were hurt, but I decided, That you were worth the fight.
Every night, you lock up, You won't let me come inside.
But the look in your eyes, I can turn the tide.

In your heart, in your heart, in your heart,
I can tell you can fit one more.
In your heart, in your heart, in your heart,
I don't care who was there before.

I hear your heart cry for love, Then you act like there's no room.
Room for me, or anyone,"Don't disturb" is all I see.
Close the door, turn the key,On everything that we could be.
If loneliness would move out,I'd fill the vacancy.
In your heart, in your heart, in your heart,
In your heart, in your heart, in your heart.

This ain't the Heartbreak Hotel,Even though I know it well.
Those no shows, they sure tell,In the way you hold yourself.
Don't you fret, should you get,Another cancellation.
Give me a chance I'd make a,Permanent reservation.

In your heart, in your heart, in your heart,
I can tell you can fit one more.
Open up make a brand new start,
I don't care who's stayed before.

I hear your heart cry for love,Then you act like there's no room.
Room for me, or anyone,"Don't disturb" is all I see.
Close the door, turn the key,On everything that we could be.
If loneliness would move out,I'd fill the vacancy.
In your heart, in your heart, in your heart,
In your heart, in your heart, in your heart.

When I, talk to you, on the phone,Listen close.

I hear your heart cry for love, Then you act like there's no room.
Room for me, or anyone,"Don't disturb" is all I see.
Close the door, turn the key,On everything that we could be.
If loneliness would move out,I'd fill the vacancy.
In your heart, in your heart, in your heart,
In your heart, in your heart, in your heart. 

lagu THE WANTED nih,, best ugop.. slow sket.. hehe.. HEART VACANCY.. kalau nak dengar lagu nih, boleh tekan kat playlist lagu kt atas tuh yerr.. hehe.. baru dgr jew lagu nih, xsmpat lagy nk paham apekebenda maksud dy.. hehe.. anyway, layan je larr.. haha.. 
tetiba rasa sayu pelik plok dalam hati nih mengenangkan keindhan tahun lepas.. haha.. very funny.. whatever larr.. ok.. stakat nie dulu malam nie.. xder story tep nk share.. bye2
semoga kita dpt memiliki lailatul qadar dan semoga kita mndapat peluang keemasan itu, in sya allah.. lastly, berdoalah agar kita sentiasa diberi hidayah dan sentiasa berada di landasan kebenaran.. amin.. :)

P/S: congratez banderz SMACH,, baru menang plok SIBF baru nih.. hehe.. very the lucky.. wekeke.. :D



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