if you ever got tired of life

"Because that moon looked lonely Because it looked like it’s crying bright in the night sky," Still With You, JK. Assalamualaikum salam sejahtera! My first thought when coming up with the title was-- if you ever got tired of life, remember there's 'still with you' by JK. the song will make you happy? no, it'll make you a lot sadder than you originally is but it's a great song maybe you won't be tired as much. lol. anyway, moving on... I always had so many ideas on what to write when I'm in the shower or eating or anywhere else. bila bukak je laptop in front of the keyboard terus blank. so frustrating but please bear with me. A bit of disclaimer: I'm not good at this (this blogging thing), I'm never good at it, there's a whole bunch of other people with better writing or storytelling skills than me, I simply just like doing it. It's a hobby, so I don't have to be good at it, right? Just enjoying it because why not, yes? hehe. A...