may this happiness stay forever

Life has been too good now that I'm scared it's not real :') anyways- currently listening to Nostalgia, a piano instrumental by Smyang Piano. Assalamualaikum and hello! it's the second day of July and since we began school after Raya that day, I felt life has been sooo incredibly amazing. We've been so busy with sukan right now and maybe that's why I felt happier, skipping classes and teachings HAHAHAHA. That day right after naik lepas cuti raya terus latihan rumah sukan for about two weeks and minggu ketiga terus sukan sekolah. Then, habis aje sukan terus sambung MSSD for every sports;, starting with volleyball, then handball, netball, chess, olahraga, serta more to come. Semua lepas gian sebab 2 tahun tak ada sukan asbab PKP kan. And one more thing after sukan ni I've grown much much closer with the Year 6 kids, for which my days in school had been more entertaining than ever XD. they're so much fun to hang around and adaaa aje helah diorang that mad...