those little things in life

Assalamualaikum and hello from the other side XD while writing this piece I'm currently listening to this song; Don't Text Me Youre Drunk. preserving this moment as always and this song deserves to be put here, it's definitely my jam hahaha. Now, here we are, after quite some time. it's April 16 and I'm entering my third month being a teacher here in Johor. and the rumors are all true after all, Johor really is a busy one. I felt we did more 'clerky' work more than we teach lmao. what a system. so annoying, but Alhamdulillah, right now it's not yet unbearable for me. I still can handle everything well so far and not that stressed or depressed yet. haha. hoping it'll last, InsyaAllah, moga-moga. Now I actually got a story to tell, we're in Ramadhan now, and it's been a blessing, having to fast for the first time in a new place, after so long. and I'm grateful for eveything, the food, the mosque, oh the beautiful mosque. and comfortable, ...