draft #Noor :)

Noor had always despised the person or people who invented the idea or speculation of ‘daughters would have closer relationship to the Dad, while sons would usually be closer to the Mom’. When Noor was seven, she confirmed herself that the statement was idiotically wrong and far from reality. At least in her reality. Ever since she was a child, Noor has always felt that she was the unexpected, unwanted presence in their household. She shouldn’t have been there. She shouldn’t have been born. The only thing that sometimes would temporarily soothe her worries would be a hug from Aidil or a playful pinch on the cheek from Fahri, her older twin brothers. But it was momentarily, for every time she had to interact with her Baba, the burdening feelings of being unwanted came back, flooding in her thoughts and drowning her breathless in anxiety. With Ami, it was bearable, she knew her Ami loves her, but still,...